Russia Revisited: Germany’s Winter Wind & Solar Drought Results in Soviet Style Power Rationing

January 24, 2021 by stopthesethings1 Comment

Soviet shortages led to the gag about “what has 100 legs and eats cabbage?” 50 Muscovites lining up to buy sausage.

Wind and solar obsessed Germans must feel a little like the USSR’s (unwilling) vegetarians at the moment.

Their endless seas of solar panels are plastered thick with snow and ice and, accordingly, producing two fifths, of five eighths of very little.

And their 30,000 wind turbines have downed tools, too. With bitterly cold, dead calm conditions across the country, wind power output has been reduced to an occasional trickle.

Power rationing is the only thing that’s preventing a total collapse of Germany’s grid; during the first week of January the country narrowly avoided widespread blackouts following the total collapse in wind and solar output.

But, if you relegate engineers to the status of well-meaning idiots, and supplant them with green ideologues with gender studies degrees, get ready for chaos. Which is precisely where ‘green’ energy obsessed Germany now finds itself.

We’ll cross to NoTricksZone for an update on what an ‘inevitable’ transition to wind and solar really looks like.

Last-Ditch Effort: Germany Weighs Electricity Rationing Scheme To Stabilize Its Now Shaky Green Power Grid
No Tricks Zone
Pierre Gosselin
19 January 2021

Before the days of climate alarmism and hysteria, the job of deciding how to best produce electricity was left to power generation engineers and experts – people who actually understood it. The result: Germany had one of the most stable and reliable power grids worldwide.

Green energies destabilized the German power grid

Then in the 1990s, environmental activists, politicians, climate alarmists and pseudo-experts decided they could do a better job at generating power in Germany and eventually passed the outlandish EEG green energy feed-in act and rules. They insisted that wildly fluctuating, intermittent power supplies could be managed easily, and done so at a low cost.

Blackouts threaten

Fast forward to today: The result of all the government meddling is becoming glaringly clear: the country now finds itself on the verge of blackouts due to grid instability, has the highest electricity prices in the world, relies more on imports and is not even close to meeting its emissions targets.

Germany’s rickety and moody power grid now threatens the entire European power grid stability, as we recently witnessed.

The need for “smoothing out” demand peaks

So what solution does Berlin propose today? You guessed it: more meddling and interference, more outlandish bureaucrat solutions. Included among them are shutting down the remaining baseload coal-fired and nuclear power plants, and relying even more on the power sources that got the country into its current mess in the first place.

And new are restrictions as to when power can be consumed by consumers and industry: Energy rationing and targeted blackouts!
No Tricks Zone

Mutti says: “let them eat cabbage … in the dark.”

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We are a group of citizens concerned about the rapid spread of industrial wind power generation installations across Australia.


  1. RT says:January 25, 2021 at 12:16 amStupid is as Stupid Does.. Lets try to bring down the entire GRID. ECO-Genius strikes again!Reply

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