Beeline to Fury: Korean Farmers Declare War on Wind Power – For Wrecking Communities & Killing Bees

Plenty of fiction is needed to explain away the health effects suffered by humans forced to live with incessant, wind turbine generated low-frequency noise and infrasound.

Wind industry stooges reckon it must all be in their silly little heads. Except that there’s a veritable menagerie of less imaginative critters stuck next to these things, that suffer just the same as the wind industry’s human victims.

Studies in Poland have shown that geese living within proximity of these things suffer increased cortisol levels, indicative of the stress caused by exposure to incessant turbine generated low-frequency noise and infrasound: Preliminary studies on the reaction of growing geese to the proximity of wind turbines

Out on the American Prairie, researchers in Kansas observed how – after wind turbines went up nearby – rare Greater Prairie Chickens had abandoned their long-established nesting sites within 8 km of turbines: Wind Turbine Noise Causes Greater Prairie Chicken Run

In Britain, its beloved badgers have also succumbed to wind turbine noise and vibration, with a long-running study of those with their setts set amongst wind turbines showing that:

“Hair of badgers living <1 km of a wind farm had a 264% higher cortisol level than badgers >10 km from a wind farm. This demonstrates that affected badgers suffer from enhanced hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal activity and are physiologically stressed.”

The full story appears here: Study Wind in the Gallows: Study Shows Badgers Suffer Merciless Stress & Torment from Wind Turbine Noise & Vibration

STT thinks it unlikely that badgers are being badgered by climate change deniers; that prairie chickens are abandoning their nests to find quieter places to raise their chicks because they’ve been got at by rabid anti-wind groups; or that stressed out fowl in Polish farmyards have been made to look like a ‘goose’, simply because they have succumbed to their febrile imaginations.

Now, consistent with that theme, it appears that bees are succumbing to the constant noise and vibration these things generate. This time the wholly unnecessary damage is being done in South Korea.

via Beeline to Fury: Korean Farmers Declare War on Wind Power – For Wrecking Communities & Killing Bees

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