Loser Always Pays Staggering Hidden Cost of Wind & Solar ‘Transition’.

Loser Always Pays Staggering Hidden Cost of Wind & Solar ‘Transition’

Crony capitalists wallowing in wind and solar subsidies and their ideologue enablers make sure the buck always stops with you. The cost of those subsidies is not only endless, it is simply staggering.

In Australia the combined figure for subsidies to wind and solar is now in excess of $15 billion annually, and with the Green/Labor Alliance’s plan to thow even of more your cash at intermittent and unreliable (occasional) generation capacity, that figure is set to rise exponentially.

Although, it must be said, the Labor government is doing a sterling job of concealing those costs with ‘off budget expenditure’ – read ‘stealing from taxpayers without their knowledge or consent’.

The climate industrial complex in Australia has now added surreptitious stealth to its existing arsenal of lies, myths and deceit, as the team from Jo Nova points out below.

Theft: A family of four pays $2,400 each year for “the transition” whether they like it or not
Jo Nova Blog
Jo Nova
9 April 2024

Dear Australians, people are sneaking into your house and stealing your money every year. You may have no idea because the theft comes in one thousand little instances, hidden within labels like “electricity bill”, “peas” and “soccer fees”. It’s also hidden in your income tax. Pagan fantasy plans to stop storms and hold back the tide are being funded by you, whether you like it or not.

Solar panel installations are partly paid for by their neighbors who don’t have solar panels, it’s hidden in their electricity bills. When a wind farm is built out past the Black Stump, shareholders of the wind farm don’t pay for the high voltage line to connect themselves to the grid, you do. When the new unreliable generators wipe out the midday profits from the old reliable plants, the old essential plants still have to pay their capital costs, insurance and staff. So they just have to charge more for the hours they do run. The new vandal plants make the old reliable ones more expensive than they would have been. (See Stacy and Taylor) You pay that bill too.

When the soccer club pays higher electricity charges for the night lights they pass that on to your eight year olds club fees. And so on and so forth for the peas, the cheese, the ham and everything that’s heated or cooled or moved in the supermarket.

If a government official knocked on your front door and demanded the “Climate-changing-cash” in a single payment, there would be hell to pay. Alan Moran has added up the numbers and it works out to $15.6 billion a year in Australia, and that’s about $600 per man, woman, and child.

The grim cost of firming up solar and wind
Alan Moran, The Spectator

So lets have a referendum on whether we should be trying to change the weather. Let’s ask the people if they would rather have cheap electricity and a trip to Bali, or knock 0.0 degrees C off global temperatures in 2100AD? Would they rather buy a new fridge or pretend they can reduce the floods coming in one hundred years time?

We know 98% of the public say they “believe” in climate change, but we also know the renewables industry will never ever campaign for a referendum to ask what the people want. They know, we know, and the politicians know — the people don’t want to buy “the transition”.
Jo Nova Blog

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