By The White Rose UK.

Fight the Good Fight.

Join our fight against Agenda 2030 and digital enslavement. Suppression of free speech, covid ‘vaccine’ injuries, forced poverty, the climate change fraud, and much more needs to be exposed. In the end, we will win this war!READ MORE

Join the Road to Geneva – Talk with Andrew Bridgen

By The White Rose UK

I met with Andrew Bridgen at his office to discuss the threats to democracy and individual freedoms posed by global institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) and the potential dangers of giving them more power – what he told me was shocking. (Dan Astin-Gregory/YT) Road to Geneva – Historic


 Digital TrapEventsVideo

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Dubious Carbon Projects: Small and Medium Scale Farming is Being Squeezed out

By The White Rose UK

Between 2008 and 2022, land prices nearly doubled throughout the world and tripled in Central-Eastern Europe. In the UK, an influx of investment from pension funds and private wealth contributed to a doubling of farmland prices from 2010-2015. Land prices in the US agricultural heartlands of Iowa quadrupled between 2002 and 2020. Agricultural investment funds


 Net ZeroVideo

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Help Spread the Freedom Magazine

By The White Rose UK

We need your help to reach more people with the Freedom Magazine, which we launched in April this year. We have currently reached a third of the number of subscribers needed, to keep it affordable. Many thanks if you have already subscribed! Please refer the magazine to friends, family members, neighbours… Let us know here


 White Rose

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100,000 Children in the UK Go Missing Every Year, 25% of Whom Come from the Care Sector

By The White Rose UK

By Ray Wilson Chemicals of Fear “All the chemicals of fear flooded the body and salted the meat.” – Stephen King I watch young Cilla; she mercilessly apprehends her prey—the mouse scurries back and forth in an attempt to escape death; it slips under a wooden storage trunk. Cilla is a very patient cat. She



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Truth Wins: Vaccine Mandates Unlawful

By The White Rose UK

I was disappointed in the Minister’s response to my questions about the implications of the QLD Supreme Court judgement on the COVID ‘vaccine’ mandates. I expected more clarity and less deflection from the Minister. These decisions were made by the Liberal, Labor and Greens parties, there can be no avoiding the fallout form their actions



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Klaus Schwab to Step Down as Executive Chairman of World Economic Forum

By The White Rose UK

Klaus Schwab will reportedly step down as the executive chairman of the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF). According to Semafor, which cites an internal email to WEF staff, Schwab intends to step down from his current position as head of the powerful globalist organization before its next annual meeting in 2025 and transition to a



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King Charles III Interview – Secrets Exposed – Net Zero, WEF, Immigration and More

By The White Rose UK

A Sceptic’s Dictionary Ask Ella – Help with Dilemma He Wants Your Trust Back Did Prince Philip Really Say This? An Open Letter to the King King Charles Gave Royal Assent to New UK Laws That Allow Gene-edited Foods to Go Unlabelled Why King Charles Should Not Claim the Title ‘Defender of the Faith’ Charles



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2,400 Athletes – Three Years of Collapsing (2021-2024)

By The White Rose UK

A three year documentation of 2,400 athletes (average age of 26) – collapsing, dying, heart problems, blood clots, sudden onset illnesses, cancers, mystery illnesses and more – all at an extraordinarily higher rate than prior to those injections which have heart inflammation and blood clot warnings on the label. (The Prisoner/Brighteon) ‘The Lies and Cover-Ups



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Bret Weinstein Exposes the World Health Organization’s Dark Agenda

By The White Rose UK

Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein discuss Big Pharma and the World Health Organization’s dark agenda. (Tucker Carlson/YT) New Zealand and Three Other Countries Have Rejected WHO Amendments International Health Regulations Amendments Debate in Westminster Hall ‘People Should Be Preparing, This Is So Serious’ Shot Dead – The Movie They Don’t Want You to See The



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Covert Abuse During Covid

By The White Rose UK

Meredith Miller is a holistic coach, author, and speaker. Here she talks with interviewer Margaret Anna Alice about abuse committed on the public during covid by government, media and cooperations. Margaret Anna Alice: When you turned your penetrating lens to COVID in 2020, what were the indicators that covert narcissistic abuse was occurring? Meredith Miller:



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