Colossal Carnage: US Wind Industry Killing More Than 1,000,000 Birds & Bats Every Year


Golden Eagle loses its head during wind power ‘transition’.

The polished hypocrisy among those slavish worshippers of wind power is breathtaking. The wind industry is slaughtering millions of birds and bats every year and yet there’s barely a peep from these faux environmentalists.

Sure, as James Taylor points out below, there’s the usual rubbish they dish up about skyscrapers killing more birds than these things, which is hardly to the point (even if it were true, which is doubtful). In any event, apex predators like Eagles, Vultures, Hawks and Kites rarely come to grief by flying into buildings of any description. But it’s these species that are being sliced and diced with complete impunity, all around the world.

When your premise is saving the planet, it’s pretty hard to maintain any kind of ‘social licence’ in the face of the colossal carnage being meted out by the wind industry; in…

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