End Times Headline News. June 8 2024.

End Times Headline News. June 8 2024

U.S. Considers Expanded Nuclear Arsenal. UN chief sounds nuclear war alarm. Danish PM Attacked in Copenhagen. Biden’s plan to save Hamas. Alex Jones to Sell Infowars. Toxic Mold, Parasites & EMFs.


JUN 08, 2024




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U.S. Considers Expanded Nuclear Arsenal, a Reversal of Decades of Cuts

China’s expansion and Russia’s threats of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine and in space have changed a U.S. drive to reduce nuclear weapons.

A senior Biden administration official warned on Friday that “absent a change” in nuclear strategy by China and Russia, the United States may be forced to expand its nuclear arsenal, after decades of cutting back through now largely abandoned arms control agreements. The comments on Friday from Pranay Vaddi, a senior director of the National Security Council, were the most explicit public warning yet that the United States was prepared to shift from simply modernizing its arsenal to expanding it. They were also a warning to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia about the likely U.S. reaction if the last major nuclear arms control agreement, called New START, expires in February 2026 with no replacement.

US tests nuclear missiles

Two Minuteman III ICBMs were launched as part of a “routine” exercise

The American military has announced it carried out two tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) over the past three days, describing the launches as routine and unrelated to world events. Two Minuteman III missiles were launched from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California on Tuesday and Thursday, the Pentagon said. They were armed with dummy re-entry vehicles instead of the nuclear warheads they would normally carry.

US wouldn’t rescue allies in nuclear war – Putin

Moscow hopes Western escalation won’t lead to a nuclear exchange with “infinite” casualties

Should the European NATO members manage to provoke Moscow into a nuclear response, the Americans might stay on the sidelines, Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested. Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday, Putin was asked about the increasingly belligerent rhetoric from some European capitals, which moderator Sergey Karaganov compared to the baying of hyenas. “The Europeans have to think: if those with whom we exchange such [nuclear] blows are obliterated, would the Americans get involved in such an exchange, on the level of strategic weapons, or not? I very much doubt it,” Putin said in response.

Macron building ‘coalition’ to send troops into Ukraine

The French president has claimed that several allies have already agreed to deploy military trainers in the former Soviet republic

French President Emmanuel Macron has gone beyond merely talking about the possibility of deploying NATO troops in Ukraine, taking steps to form a coalition of military trainers who would work inside the former Soviet republic preparing Kiev’s soldiers to fight Russian forces. “We want to have a coalition for reasons of efficiency, and several of our partners have already given their agreement,” Macron told reporters on Friday in Paris. “We will use the coming days to finalize the largest possible coalition capable of responding to Ukraine’s request.”

Leader Of The Free World Apologizes To Zelensky While Handing Him Another Check

“some of our very conservative members who were holding it up, but we got it done.”

While handing over to Kiev the latest $225 million check defense aid package, the “leader of the free world” has apologized to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Biden during the bilateral meeting in Normandy, where world leaders are attending events for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, told Zelensky he is sorry for the delayed passage of the new military aid package earlier this year (at $61 billion total for Ukraine out the $95 billion passed) and disparaged the Republican opposition that held it up.

UN chief sounds nuclear war alarm

Antonio Guterres has warned that the risk of a catastrophic conflict is at the highest level since the USSR collapsed

Technological advances and escalating geopolitical tensions are imperiling the global population with the highest risk of a nuclear conflict since the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned. “Humanity is on a knife’s edge,” Guterres said in a recorded speech presented on Friday at the annual Arms Control Association meeting in Washington. “The risk of a nuclear weapon being used has reached heights not seen since the Cold War.”

Scott Ritter: Putin Seeks Resolution with NATO but Russia’s Future Is in BRICS

Russia is embracing a future beyond Western economic hegemony, the Russian President said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

President Vladimir Putin “continues to hold the door open for a resolution” of conflicts between NATO and Russia, said former US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter, but the country will embrace a new multipolar world led by institutions like the BRICS economic bloc. The leader closed out the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) with a presentation where he stressed the country’s preparations for the BRICS summit in the Russian city of Kazan this fall.

Danish PM Mette Frederiksen Attacked in Copenhagen, Suspect Arrested

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – A man attacked Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen in Copenhagen, Agence France-Presse reported citing the Prime Minister’s office.

“Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was beaten on Friday evening at Kultorvet [square] in Copenhagen by a man who was subsequently arrested. The Prime Minister is shocked by the incident,” Reuters reported citing the Prime Minister’s office. Head of the European Council Charles Michel condemned the attack in his post on X, calling it a “cowardly act of aggression”.

US Bombers Drop Live Munitions In Threat To North Korea

largest conventional payload in the US Air Force inventory…

Two US B-1 strategic bombers dropped live munitions on the Korean Peninsula in a show of force eyeing Pyongyang. Tensions in the region have ratcheted up during the Biden administration as the president has taken a hardline approach toward the DPRK. The American B-1Bs and two South Korean fighter jets dropped live GBU-38, 500-pound Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMS) on test targets in South Korea. “This training showcases the incredible capabilities of our combined forces to simultaneously strike multiple targets in a contested environment,” said Lt. Gen. David Iverson, US Force Korea deputy commander and Seventh Air Force commander.

Houthis Tout Radar-Evading ‘Palestine’ Missile That Resembles Iranian Hypersonic

Yemen’s Houthis have for the first time announced a strike on Israel that was coordinated with allies in Iraq, namely the ‘Islamic Resistance in Iraq’ – an umbrella organization of Iran-linked Shia paramilitary groups.

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi militia, Abdul Malik Al-Houthi, announced Thursday, “Today at daybreak, our military forces commenced coordinated operations with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq by carrying out an important operation towards the port of Haifa.” “The Yemeni Armed Forces conducted two coordinated military operations with the Iraqi Islamic Resistance. The first targeted two ships carrying military equipment in Haifa’s harbor,” a follow-up Houthi military statement had said.

US Army’s Failure-Prone Pier Connected To Gaza Beach Again After Breaking Apart

Repair cost was $22 million…

The US military’s Central Command (CENTCOM) has announced its temporary pier for Gaza, which has been out of commission for a couple of weeks after it was broken apart by choppy Mediterranean seas, has been fully reestablished and is operational. “At approximately 2:15 pm (local Gaza time) on June 7, US Central Command (CENTCOM) successfully reestablished the temporary pier in Gaza, enabling the continued delivery of much-needed humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza,” CENTCOM said in a statement posted to X. Watch the pier make landing on the beach again

Blinken to visit Israel for the eighth time since October 7

Blinken, who will also visit Egypt, Jordan and Qatar, is expected to push the outline for a ceasefire and hostage release deal which President Joe Biden unveiled last week.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit Israel next week, his eighth visit since Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel and the war in Gaza which followed, the State Department announced on Friday. Blinken is expected to push the outline for a ceasefire and hostage release deal which President Joe Biden unveiled last week. In addition to Israel, Blinken will also visit Egypt, Jordan and Qatar. The visit will run from Monday through Wednesday, the State Department said.

Biden’s plan to save Hamas

The deal the White House is pushing is “nearly identical to Hamas’ own proposals.”

After families across Israel had lit their Sabbath candles, returned home from synagogue services and begun their festive meals, President Biden looked at his watch in D.C. “Just checking it’s afternoon,” he said. And then got started on his speech to save Hamas. There was nothing accidental about the timing of the speech on Friday afternoon, at a time when much of America’s political establishment was heading out for the weekend while Israeli Jews were celebrating the Sabbath and many were not even using electronic devices.

CIA: Netanyahu unlikely to give in to American demands

A new report claims that Prime Minister Netanyahu will resist the steadily growing pressure from the Biden administration to accept the most recent ceasefire proposal.

A new CIA analysis states that Prime Minister Netanyahu is unlikely to agree to US demands regarding the war in Gaza, including accepting the proposed ceasefire deal. CNN published the analysis while Israel faces steadily increasing pressure from the Biden administration to accept the deal and bring the war in Gaza to an end. The decision to reject American pressure represents another step in the growing divide between Netanyahu and Biden, which has been eroding relations between the two countries for several months already.

US urging Arab allies not to set deadline for post-war two-state solution

Documents obtained by ToI detail principles US plans to advance upon securing Gaza ceasefire, including Palestinian state on 1967 lines ‘as envisioned in Arab Peace Initiative’

The Biden administration is seeking to prevent its Arab partners from advancing a far-reaching vision for an Israel-Palestinian peace settlement when the war in Gaza is over, and is instead advancing a more scaled back framework that is still certain to be rejected by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, according to documents obtained by The Times of Israel. Since the beginning of the year, the US has been leading a contact group of top ministers from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority aimed at advancing a plan for the post-war management of the Gaza Strip.

Leaving Canada: Housing Costs, Falling Living Standards, and Politics Prompt Outflow of Canadians

An increasing number of Canadians can’t afford a house or find a decent-paying job. Some can’t find a date or are fed up with the bitter politics, while others are in search of adventure, are sick of the cold winters, or simply miss home. The solution they seek? Leave Canada.

The rising cost of living, record-high immigration, a stagnating economy, and political tensions are prompting rising numbers of Canadians—both native and naturalized—to leave the country. Canada is increasingly becoming a country of emigrants, as well as a country of immigrants, experts say.

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Trudeau government refuses to give us the names

Watch Dominic LeBlanc repeatedly refuse to give Canadians the names of elected officials that knowingly assisted a hostile foreign state.

House Passes Pandemic Preparedness Bill

The House of Commons has passed a bill seeking to help prepare Canada for the next pandemic, but a clause ordering a federal review of the handling of COVID-19 was voted out.

Bill C-293, The Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, passed third reading on June 5, with 164 votes in favour and 144 against. The Liberals, NDP, and Green Party voted in favour of the legislation, while the Conservative Party and Bloc Québécois voted against it. The private member’s bill, introduced by Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith in June 2022, calls for Parliament to learn from the mistakes of previous pandemics and use a “multisectoral and multidisciplinary collaborative approach” to pandemic planning.

Dr. Mike Yeadon: You’re Being Lied to About Chicken Influenza




Dr. Mike Yeadon: You’re Being Lied to About Chicken Influenza

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Ninth Circuit Court Rules Correctly COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are Not Legitimate State Interest Due To Being A Treatment, Not A Preventative | This Is All We Need To DESTROY WHO & FDA

We can’t stop here with this huge win – this is way too close to being a lynchpin – This ruling ALMOST makes the core point that and now it can be made

Interest of Justice

Ninth Circuit Court Rules Correctly COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are Not Legitimate State Interest Due To Being A Treatment, Not A Preventative | This Is All We Need To DESTROY WHO & FDA

Big Congrats to HFDF! IOJ is using this new ruling as evidence in our cases! The court declined to give any deference to pronouncements by the CDC that the “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.” As the court asked rhetorically, “safe and effective” for what…

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Disabled Canadian man says he has been offered euthanasia ‘multiple times’ while in the hospital

The ‘traumatized’ 49-year-old says he is ‘being prevented from the resources that I need to live safely back at home’ and has been told he can apply for assisted suicide.

(LifeSiteNews) — A Canadian man who was “very sick” as a kid and now lives with a chronic disability says he feels “completely traumatized” and violated that he was offered state-sanctioned euthanasia “multiple times” instead of getting the proper care he needs while in the hospital. The man, 49-year-old Roger Foley, was highlighted in a short film by filmmaker Amanda Achtman as part of her Dying to Meet You series. Foley, speaking from his hospital bed in the video posted on YouTube, said that as he lived his early life as a sick child he was “very uncoordinated and always tired.”

The Connection Between Toxic Mold, Parasites & EMFs

Living in the material world means an attachment to wireless technology. When does an attachment become an addiction?

Can you do without a cellphone? Watching TV? Scrolling social media? How much time in a day does wireless occupy? What do you consider excessive use? Do you experience withdrawal symptoms (moodiness, irritability, depression) by going without? Would you consent to the imposition of technology at the risk of harming your health and potentially all biological life?

Congress Introduces Law That Would Provide President Power To Block Access To All ‘Digital Assets’

“The President, pursuant to such regulations as the President may prescribe, shall prohibit any transactions between any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and a foreign digital asset transaction facilitator,” the bill says.

Earlier this week, a congressman appeared to insert an amendment buried in a must-pass spending bill that would grant the U.S. President sweeping powers to block access to digital assets.

Google Introduces App Store Censorship Rules, Bans AI Generating Various Types of “Restricted Content,” Including “Hate Speech”

Developers of apps for Android will have to adhere to a new set of rules if they wish to publish on the Google Play Store.

The “guidance” is seen by critics as yet another wave of sweeping censorship tied to AI, as Google continues to crack down on what it considers to be hate speech, profanity, bullying, harassment, and other content listed as “restricted.” One of the types of content developers are now banned from generating refers to sensitive events – and Google’s description is another example of what is likely a deliberately vague definition, so it can be left open to arbitrary interpretation.

More Than 1,300 Illegals Flood Into San Diego in One Day After Biden’s Executive Order on Asylum Seekers – Border Patrol Releases Them to the Streets (VIDEO)

Joe Biden’s America.

More than 1,300 illegal aliens flooded over the US border into San Diego, California in ONE DAY following Biden’s executive order on asylum seekers. Joe Biden on Tuesday held a fake border security press conference on his new asylum ‘restrictions’ from the East Room. More than 15 million illegal aliens – mainly military-age males – have invaded the US on Biden’s watch. 25-Year Shelf-Life Ribeye, NY Strip, and Tenderloin at 25% Off for a Limited Time Joe Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days in office to destroy the border.

Portugal Tightens Migration Policy Under New Right-Leaning Government

Portugal’s new center-right government, led by Prime Minister Luís Montenegro of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), has announced plans to tighten immigration rules.

This move follows significant gains by the country’s conservative opposition party, Chega, in recent elections, which campaigned on massively restricting migration. On Monday, lawmakers called for repealing a policy allowing non-EU citizens to move to Portugal without a work contract and apply for a residence permit after paying social security contributions for a year.

Alex Jones to Sell Infowars, Liquidate Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Families $1.5 Billion Settlement – Alex Jones Provides Update (VIDEO)

Infowars founder Alex Jones agreed to liquidate his assets to pay the Sandy Hook families for something he said over a decade ago.

Alex Jones will reportedly sell Infowars and liquidate most of his assets to make a dent in the $1.5 billion settlement he was ordered to pay Sandy Hook families. “Liquidation could mean that Austin, Texas-based Jones would have to sell most of his assets, including his company, but could keep his home and other belongings that are exempt from bankruptcy liquidation. Proceeds would go to his creditors, including the Sandy Hook families.” – CBS News reported.

Mexico’s Leftist President-Elect Gathers Latin American Socialist Leaders, as Opposition Candidate Demands Recount, Another Mayor Is Killed, and the Panicked Market Melts

The Latin American leftist network of leaders is delighted by the victory of the ruling party’s candidate Claudia Sheinbaum in the ultra-violent Mexican elections that saw over 28 candidates killed during the election cycle. But the market reacted in a panic, as the unrelenting violence keeps claiming the lives of political leaders, and the opposition demands a full recount of the problematic vote.

Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro, Colombia’s Gustavo Petro, Brazil’s Lula da Silva were quick to celebrate the victory, and the leftist goons of the ‘Puebla Group’ sent a delegation to meet with Mexico’s president-elect. Present at the meeting were former presidents Alberto Fernández (Argentina) and Evo Morales (Bolivia), ahead of a large delegation of the group of ‘progressive leaders’ (a.k.a. socialist hacks).

Musk’s X Appears to Permit Porn Under New Rules.

The social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, now permits porn. The social media site has updated its guidelines to permit the sharing of “consensually produced and distributed adult nudity or sexual behavior.”

Under the new guidelines, this material must be labeled appropriately and cannot appear in prominent locations such as profile pictures or banners. Prior to these changes, X did not explicitly ban pornography. The platform became a popular avenue for NSFW creators following the introduction of Twitter Blue — now rebranded as X Premium — where creators could charge followers to access their content, similar to the model employed by OnlyFans. The new rules could potentially create a new revenue stream for X, which has experienced a decline in advertising sales since Elon Musk acquired the company.

A creepy shadowy figure seen at Taylor Swift concert sends internet into a frenzy

Taylor Swift’s “Eras” tour has brought out fans, celebrities … and now apparently shadowy figures cloaked in darkness too — ’cause one stood atop a huge stadium to watch her show.

One of the singer’s recent shows in Madrid received an unexpected guest … caught on video at the Estadio Santiago Bernabéu in the middle of Swift’s song “Delicate.” As you can see, this creepy thing (which looks like a human) is standing at the very top, alone. While Tay’s singing her heart out below, the audience member who filmed this pans upward … catching the outline of an apparent person swaying along near the stadium’s roof.

Archaeologists examine mysterious Roman road cutting across southern Golan Heights

Lack of links to Jewish towns indicates Roman-Jewish tensions

An ancient Roman road cutting across Israel’s southern Golan Heights was recently analyzed by Israeli and European archaeologists. The road was allegedly built during the latter half of the 2nd century A.D. and abandoned in the early 4th century A.D. Archaeologists and scholars, Dr. Adam Pažout from Aarhus University, together with Dr. Michael Eisenberg and Dr. Mechael Osband from Haifa University and the Zinman Institute, meticulously examined the fascinating find in a recent comprehensive study.

The Child Catchers and the Adoption-Industrial Complex with Kathryn Joyce

Derrick Broze interviews journalist and author Kathryn Joyce about the flaws in the adoption industry and the conservative Christian influence. Kathryn is the author of the book The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption.

Find Kathryn’s work: http://kathrynjoyce.com/books/the-child-catchers/


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