End Times Headline News. June 7 2024.

End Times Headline News. June 7 2024

Putin: Nuclear Response Guaranteed if Threatened. Russian Warships Steam For Caribbean. Germany approves plan for war. Can the Hezbollah threat be contained? Tornado strikes Michigan.


JUN 07, 2024




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Putin: Nuclear Response Guaranteed if Threatened; US Presidency Irrelevant’

Russian President Vladimir Putin, when asked about the risks of nuclear war due to Ukraine, warned that Russia could use all available means to defend itself if its sovereignty or territorial integrity were threatened.

Putin says the West repeatedly accuses Russia of nuclear saber-rattling, but that this is wrong because it was the USA that used nuclear weapons against Japan in World War II. Speaking to foreign media editors at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Putin said that Russia’s nuclear doctrine allows for the use of such weapons in response to certain threats, Reuters reports. “For some reason, the West believes that Russia will never use it,” Putin said.

Russian Warships Steam For Caribbean As Ukraine Tensions Go Global

Long-range bombers expected to participate in show-of-force exercises

In a show of force perhaps prompted by President Biden’s authorization of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using US weapons, a group of Russian warships is en route to the Caribbean, a senior US official has told McClatchy and the Miami Herald. White House officials alerted members of Congress to the Russian move on Wednesday. The deployment signals Russia’s capacity to operate globally while still fully engaged its third year of war in Ukraine. “This is about Russia showing they are still capable of some level of naval power projection,” the official said. “We should expect more of this activity going forward.” In March, Ukraine claimed it had either sunk or disabled a full third of Russia’s ships in the Black Sea.

Russia ready to arm US enemies – Medvdev

Washington’s arming of Ukraine is about to backfire, the former Russian president has warned

Moscow is prepared to arm the enemies of the US in response to Washington and its allies sending weapons to Ukraine, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday. President Vladimir Putin floated the possibility of such an “asymmetric” response at Wednesday’s meeting with foreign news agencies, but pointed out the suggestion was only under consideration. “This is a rather significant change of our foreign policy,” Medvedev said in a post on his English-language X (formerly Twitter) account.

Ukraine Has Requested NATO Military Instructors On Its Soil, Macron Says

French president also announced plan to transfer Mirage-2000 fighter jets…

French President Emmanuel Macron used the occasion of D-Day memorial events in France on Thursday to make some big announcements on Ukraine. This after President Biden focused much of his speech on ‘defeating Russia’ – as opposed to remembrance of WWII and those who perished on the beaches of Normandy. For the first time Macron said that there’s been a specific request from the Zelensky government to send French troops to Ukrainian soil in order to train forces there, amid a growing manpower shortage and severe lag in adequate training.

Ukraine Bans Dual Citizens From Escaping War, US Embassy Warns

US Embassy alert actually tells US passport holders to “shelter in place”…

The US Embassy in Ukraine this week issued a surreal and somewhat unexpected warning: US-Ukrainian dual citizens may be prevented from leaving Ukraine under the country’s new mobilization law. As a result of martial law which took effect after the February 2022 invasion, Ukrainian males ages 18 to 60 are not allowed the leave the country. But until now there were exceptions for dual US-Ukrainian nationals; however, a fresh update in the national law means Americans can now be rounded up by conscription officers and potentially thrown to the front lines.

‘Political Posture’ – Analyst Calls Out Macron’s Promises to Ukraine Ahead of European Elections

Although Macron has been a fierce defender of the Kiev regime, his recent statements about sending Mirage 2000 warplanes to Ukraine may be nothing more than political posturing before European elections, leading EU policy analyst and co-editor of Le Monde Moderne magazine Alexis Poulin told Sputnik.

President Emmanuel Macron, long considered perhaps Europe’s foremost anti-Russia hawk, committed to sending his country’s Mirage 2000 warplanes to Ukraine during an appearance on French television Thursday.

Ukraine not allowed to attack Kremlin with US-supplied missiles – Biden

The scope of strikes with American-made weapons must be limited to military positions in Russian border areas, the president has claimed

Washington has not authorized Ukraine to use US-supplied missiles to attack targets deep inside Russia, including Moscow, President Joe Biden has said. His comments come after the US permitted Kiev to carry out cross-border strikes on Russian soil using American-made weapons. In an interview with ABC News on Thursday, Biden confirmed that Ukraine is allowed to use US-made weapons for strikes inside Russia, but claimed Kiev can launch them “only in proximity to the border when they [Russian weapons] are being used on the other side of the border to attack specific targets in Ukraine.”

Germany approves plan for war

Berlin has developed new contingencies, including the imposition of a draft and government control of food distribution

The German government has finalized new plans for a potential war, including reinstatement of compulsory military service and deployment of NATO troops on its eastern flank, citing rising concerns over perceived threats from Russia. The country’s new defense framework was approved by Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s cabinet on Wednesday, replacing guidelines that dated back to 1989. “As a result of Russian aggression, we have a completely changed security situation in Europe,” Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said in a statement.

NATO Kicks Off Massive Baltic Drills As Biden Affirms US Weapons ‘Now Being Used Inside Russia’

“Baltic Operations 24”: over 9,000 personnel & more than 50 ships, 85 aircraft, comprising 20 countries. 

In the shadow of the Russia-Ukraine war, and right next door, NATO has kicked off its massive annual military exercises in the Baltic Sea. “Baltic Operations 24” is about to be in full swing, kicking off formally on Friday, and involves over 9,000 personnel and more than 50 ships and 85 aircraft, comprising 20 countries. Crucially, NATO’s newest admittee Sweden is part of the drills as a full member state. The Kremlin is watching closely given the obviously surging regional tensions which has increasingly seen all of Europe put on a war footing. 

Viktor Orbán: ‘NATO is Pushing Us Closer to War with Russia Every Week’ (Video)

“War is a monster that is constantly hungry, it must be fed, and I see that the Americans and the Democratic government of the United States, and the leaders of the European Union, are ready to feed it.”

In his recent appearance on Hungarian state radio, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivered a powerful critique of Western European leaders and NATO’s actions, which he sees as dangerously escalating the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Orbán emphasized Hungary’s unwavering stance of non-participation in the war, firmly rejecting the idea of shedding Hungarian blood for Ukraine.

Potential US Tactical Nuke Deployment in Asia-Pacific Could Bring Catastrophic Fallout – Expert

The director of the Knowfar Institute for Strategic and Defense Studies, Li Jian, provided insight regarding the potential deployment of US tactical nuclear weapons in the western Pacific Ocean in an interview with Sputnik.

The question of US nuclear weapon deployment has a long history,” Jian told Sputnik, highlighting advancements in US tactical nuclear capabilities, such as the B61-12 bomb, and the completion of testing for various aircraft models.

Modi’s BJP Loses Parliament Majority

Despite exit polls and projections suggesting otherwise, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took a considerable hit at the election for the 18th Lok Sabha

Despite exit polls and projections suggesting otherwise, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took a considerable hit at the election for the 18th Lok Sabha, India’s lower house voted on by the country’s citizens. Compared to 2019, the BJP lost 63 seats and was 32 seats shy of the 272-seat majority. For the first time since 2014, Modi will have to rely on other parties to secure a BJP-led government. However, if alliance allegiance holds, a coalition led by Modi’s party is bound to stay in power for five more years.

India the second-biggest foreign threat to Canada – report

Ottawa has put New Delhi on its “foreign interference” list along with Beijing and Moscow

India is the “second biggest foreign threat” to Canadian democracy after China, a high-level parliamentary panel has claimed. Russia, which had occupied the second position in a 2019 report, now occupies the third spot in the list. The report was released by Canada’s National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP), comprising MPs and senators with top security clearances. The committee named two more Asian nations – Pakistan and Iran – that it claims threaten to undermine the country’s democracy.

Canada Compromised, CCP Influence Heading South into the U.S.

“Canada has become a CCP client state,” argues popular Alberta podcaster Leighton Grey. He explains how the CCP has compromised the Canadian government and the past two elections, and details the danger posed to the USA.

Report: Biden administration pushing allies to threaten Hamas

CNN report: Biden administration pushing allies in the Middle East to make specific threats to Hamas, as part of campaign to push the group toward accepting latest ceasefire and hostage proposal.

The Biden administration has spent the last week pushing allies in the Middle East to make specific threats to Hamas, as part of an urgent campaign to push the group toward accepting the latest ceasefire and hostage proposal that would pause the fighting in Gaza, CNN reported on Thursday. US officials have publicly called on the group to accept previous ceasefire proposals on the table, but there has never been an all-out pressure campaign marked by specific asks to individual countries as part of the Biden administration’s push, the report said.

Qatar to Hamas: Accept deal or face expulsion from Doha – report

The US has for months been pressuring Qatar to announce that it will expel Hamas if they don’t accept the ceasefire deal.

Qatar has given Hamas an ultimatum to accept the ceasefire deal proposed by the US and Israel or face expulsion from Doha, according to a report by CNN. As part of the US’s diplomatic campaign to achieve a ceasefire, it has been putting intense pressure on members of the Israeli government to accept the deal. CNN revealed that it has been putting a similar amount of pressure on Qatar to achieve results from the negotiations. 

As world urges Hamas to accept latest Gaza proposal, group signals likely rejection

Qatar says Hamas has yet to formally issue its response to Israeli offer, but terror leaders continue to insist any ceasefire must guarantee end to war;

Signs that Hamas was set to reject Israel’s latest proposal for a hostage release and Gaza truce deal mounted Thursday, as officials in the terror group reiterated their insistence that any agreement must guarantee an end to the war, a demand Israel has repeatedly ruled out. Talks involving Qatari, Egyptian and US mediators aimed at reaching a ceasefire were still underway on Thursday but had shown no sign of a breakthrough, two Egyptian security sources said.

Can the Hezbollah threat really be contained? – opinion

Israel’s options are not good. While the government has done everything it can to avoid a wider war with Hezbollah, this might no longer be possible. But it cannot be blamed for trying a bit longer.

Back, in the first days after the Hamas attacks on October 7, the Israeli government made a decision not to go to war with Hezbollah. There were a number of considerations on the table at the time and some people were pushing for Hezbollah to be Israel’s target. The Lebanese terrorist group almost immediately started attacking Israel, and intelligence information later discovered exposed that Hamas and Hezbollah had coordinated their attacks. More important though was the argument that before taking on Hamas, Israel should first go after its stronger enemy.

Security Threat: Biden Administration Loses Track of 77,000 Afghans in America While Over a Million Unchecked Migrants Flood the Borders

As seen last week in open borders Germany, where an Afghan refugee deemed ‘well integrated’ stabbed Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger and killed a young German police officer, will the Biden administration act shocked when one of the unmonitored Afghans in America carries out a similar attack on non-Muslims here?

In a damning revelation, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has come under fire for its failure to monitor approximately 77,000 Afghan Islamic nationals paroled into the United States following the 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan. This lapse has raised serious concerns about the department’s capacity to manage the broader scope of 1.1 million foreign nationals paroled into the U.S. since 2023 under President Biden’s dangerous open border policy.

BREAKING: Day 2 of Biden’s supposed exec order on the border and Bill Melugin says there’s “NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER.

El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele Describes Satanic Gang Baby-Killing Rituals to Tucker Carlson

The president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, described the dramatic crackdown on violent gangs in his country as a “spiritual war,” explaining to journalist Tucker Carlson this week that the largest gang, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), has a long history of satanic activity.

Bukele sat down with Carlson for an interview published Wednesday night in the context of his second inauguration as president, which took place on June 1. Bukele won reelection with a resounding 85 percent of the vote in the national election in February, and his party won nearly every seat in the National Assembly, the federal legislature

After D-Day disaster in France, will Dems yank Joe off the ballot?

By now, the world is accustomed to watching Joe Biden make one embarrassing blunder after another.

He stumbles, bumbles, and fumbles his way through the day, while our propaganda media turns a blind eye, portraying him as a stalwart, seasoned politician whose age symbolizes wisdom and experience. Meanwhile, these same media frauds claim President Trump is “senile.” This is just another blow against what’s left of the regime media’s credibility. However, the media can’t even help Joe now.Lately, his blunders have escalated from routine senility to outright catastrophes. That’s precisely what unfolded in France during the D-Day event with President Macron.

Money Is Power, And The Global Balance Of Power Is Rapidly Shifting In Favor Of The Ultra-Wealthy Elite

If  you have enough money, you can buy just about anything.  And when you are in a position where you can buy just about anything, you wield an enormous amount of raw power. 

Today, our world is completely and utterly dominated by those at the very top of the economic pyramid.  Those in the top one percent of the top one percent are pretty much able to do whatever they want, and the rest of us are pretty much powerless to stop them.  Unfortunately, the gap between the ultra-wealthy elite and the rest of us just continues to get even larger.  Last year, the total wealth of the world’s millionaires reached a staggering 86.8 trillion dollars

Dr. Mike Yeadon: Pandemics, Digital Control, Eugenics and Depopulation




Dr. Mike Yeadon: Pandemics, Digital Control, Eugenics and Depopulation

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Finland to receive first EU procured bird flu shots

The first batch of 640,000 doses of the adapted vaccine will be shipped as early as next week.

The EU’s health crisis authority will sign a contract with Seqirus next Tuesday to secure hundreds of thousands of doses of its H5N1 flu shot adapted to protect people against the latest deadly strain of bird flu — and first doses will head to Finland. The Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) will sign the joint procurement contract with Seqirus on behalf of 15 member countries, a senior Commission official with knowledge of the matter told POLITICO.






Exposing The Darkness is a reader-supported publication. To support my work, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. One-time or recurring donations can be made through Ko-Fi: Explosive findings have been revealed in a recent Philippine House of Representatives committee investigation into hundreds of thousands of excess deaths believed to be linked t…

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Breaking: Law Professor that Wrote 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act Provides Affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA nanoparticle injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone

Breaking: Law Professor that Wrote 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act Provides Affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA nanoparticle injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, which passed both houses of Congress unanimously, provided an affidavit stating that Covid 19 injections and mRNA nanoparticle injections violate the law he wrote. Dr. Boyle asserted that ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle inj…

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2 days ago · 294 likes · 85 comments · Dr. Joseph Sansone

BOMBSHELL STUDY: 3 MILLION EXCESS DEATHS IN 47 COUNTRIES-What about the other 188 countries?

WelcomeTheEagle88’s Substack

BOMBSHELL STUDY: 3 MILLION EXCESS DEATHS IN 47 COUNTRIES-What about the other 188 countries? Part 2

Part 1: HERE I want to use this study and this meme to demonstrate what happens when you apply the ol’ pump & dump method of analyzing statistics especially from VAERS & EudraVigilance. Again, this is the study that is getting all the buzz…

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2 days ago · 35 likes · 15 comments · WelcomeTheEagle88

Ugandan human rights lawyer’s arrest exposes use of national ID for surveillance

A Ugandan human rights lawyer’s recent arrest highlights the country’s surveillance and government control via the use of the national identification card.

First introduced by the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) nearly a decade ago, Uganda’s national ID card was initially touted as a solution to streamline administrative processes and bolster citizen services. However, Nick Opiyo, one of Uganda’s human rights lawyers, believes that there was an ulterior motive for his December 2020 imprisonment as he became ensnared in this surveillance dragnet, enduring arbitrary detention and harassment for his endeavors to expose state-backed human rights transgressions, a Bloomberg feature uncovers.

Walmart finds new way to track customers

An update from Walmart has meant the retailer will be able to collect and share certain data earlier than it previously had.

Walmart Data Ventures is a subdivision of the company that has delivered consumer data to companies and suppliers, to better understand consumers and their preferences. It has introduced a new product called Digital Landscapes to businesses. Walmart had previously provided its suppliers with data gathered after a customer had purchased on the site. Digital Landscapes will now share this data much earlier as it will collect information on people as they browse the site, even if they do not make a purchase.

Southwest Passengers ‘Crying and Screaming’ as Boeing Plane Forced to Make Emergency Landing After Tire Failure

A Southwest flight was forced to make an emergency landing on Monday after a tire blew out.

Passengers were ‘screaming and crying’ as the Boeing 737-700 made an emergency landing at Denver International Airport on Monday. KDVR reported: A Southwest flight had to make an emergency landing at Denver International Airport after one of the tires failed during takeoff. The airline sent a statement to FOX31 saying Southwest Flight 225 had to return to Denver after the pilot declared an emergency on Monday. According to FlightAware, the aircraft was a Boeing 737-700 headed for Phoenix Sky Harbor International.

Tornado strikes Michigan without warning, Killing toddler, While twister in Maryland injures 5

A toddler was killed and his mother was injured when a tornado struck suburban Detroit without warning, while five people were injured when a tornado in Maryland collapsed structures and trapped people inside.

Officials in Livonia, Michigan, said the tornado tore through several neighborhoods on Wednesday afternoon and developed so quickly that there was no advance notice from the National Weather Service or others that would have normally led to the activation of warning sirens. The storm uprooted a massive tree that fell on one family’s house and came through the roof, landing on a bed where a woman and her 2-year-old were sleeping, officials said in a post on the city’s website. Crews worked for nearly an hour to remove the roof and parts of the tree and then lift the tree to get the victims out.

This is Canada

A transgender police car with a transgender police officer


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